Starting and running a successful business needs money. One of the first and most significant  financial decisions that business owners make is how to fund their company. How we choose to fund our company could have an impact on how we structure and run it. Every company has unique requirements, and there is no such thing as a universal financial solution. The financial future of our company will be shaped by our own financial condition and our company’s vision. 
Self-funding, often known as bootstrapping, allows us to use our own financial resources to sustain our firm. Self-funding took the form of borrowing money from family and friends, using our savings accounts, and even taking money from our 401(k). We retain complete control over the business when we self-fund, but at a significant expense of scale. We require additional funds to scale, but our existing funding is insufficient, which is why we are seeking funding from investors. In the form of venture capital investments, investors can help us scale our firm. Typically, venture capital is offered in exchange for a share of ownership and an active involvement in the company. 
Venture finance is distinct from traditional financing in several respects. Typically, venture capitalists:
1. Targets high-growth businesses like ours.
2. Invests capital in exchange for equity rather than debt (it’s not a loan); we’re willing to contribute equity in exchange for venture capital            company funds, network, and mentorship.
3.Takes more risks in exchange for a larger potential return.
4.Investment horizon is longer than typical funding.
A seat on the board of directors will be offered. So we’re willing to give up some control and ownership of our business. Groupedmart Inc are willing to offer shares in exchange for funding. Interested venture capital companies should contact us through our website’s contact page.